Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Name of this Game

Ok, here's how it goes.  Vent something that made you hot as a jalepeno.  But that must be countered with a cool as a cucumber moment.  Yeah yeah yeah the blog name has it the other way but we want to cool down after being so hot and the other way didn't sound as cool!  Now let's try and keep this as clean as possible and have some fun here!  Nothing illegal and downright criminal here!  It's to vent with a cool ending and put a smile on the face of anyone reading.  I know there are some natural comedians out there so bring the funny!

Ok let's start:

Jalepeno: I am on this organic kick with the hair products, you know, the juices and berries.  So I go shopping for the latest all natural product which isn't hard to come across.  Advertisement means everything and I come across this natural product with rave reviews.  Being the lemming I am I purchase the product thinking miracles are to be born in my hair.  I hop in the shower and try my product and my hands are basically tangled in my head.  Literally.  They aren't coming out.  It is a dry, tangled mess and my hands are stuck.  Yeah, it works for every other human on this planet but of course not me! A shark tooth comb probably couldn't detangle my hands from my now brillo pad.  Even water was bouncing off my head like it wanted nothing to do with my situation.

Cucumber:  I had some good smelling tangled hair!  Plus my moisturizer is a God-send and my hair eventually simmered down, released my poor hands, and detangled.  Whew!

Jalepeno:  Well I like to be early for work and I would have been so if my key card worked!!!  To make things worse, someone was in there and ignored my pleas to be let in!  To make things better some co-workers were hanging out in the parking lot too but I slink on by without so much a hello or a one finger salute.  Well guess who had to grovel over and see if some people were feeling charitable enough to let me in...

Cucumber:  Luckily my co-workers are the nicest and went out of their way to let me in.  Plus...uh oh! It's hump day!

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